My strong passion for digital photo restorations started after the Black Saturday fires, when a customer brought in a bag of entirely ruined photos and asked what can be done.
It just shattered me that this smoke damaged, water soaked stack of photos was all she had left of her family history.
Shortly after this event, I had another customer who gave me a shopping bag of what looked like a jigsaw puzzle of little pieces of a photo her child had cut up.
This was the last family photo she had of her other child before he passed away.
Even though it took months, it was restored back to the original and the look on her face when she saw it, to this day it still brings me tears that I could make someone that happy.
So, me being the sentimental person I am, I made it my mission to be able to help people restore the remaining memories of an irreplaceable moment in time.
Click on images below for restoration gallery
Restoration Pricing
Restorations can be as simple as red eye removal or as complex as a photo cut into several pieces, due to this I cannot give out a standard price. These are the starting price for each category of complexity.
All pricing does not include the printing costs.
Basic restorations start at $50
Basic restorations examples:
- Red eye removal
- Blemish removal
- Copying photos/slides/negatives
- Scanning images to a standard size.
- Adding wider border to make a standard size
- Darkening faded images
Intermediate restorations start at $180
Intermediate restorations examples:
- Water spots
- Slight colour fading
- Mould patches
- Removing a basic background
- Tarnishing
- Minor water or moisture damage
- ink spots from proof marks (over 100 years old)
Advanced restorations start at $250
Advanced restoration examples:
- Torn / Scratched images
- Adding a complex background
- Adding people to a photo
- Photos stuck together
- Cut images which need photo extended and recreated
- Damaged faces
Extreme restorations start at $500
Extreme restoration examples:
- Disintegrating photos
- Torn images with more than two pieces
- Multiple cracks
- panoramic photos
- Silvering images
- Images with faces with severe damage
Time frames will vary considerably depending on the level of work required.
All prices given are quotes only.
Until the work is started and a time frame established, the price may vary.
All printing of final products is to be completed through the suggested printer, otherwise no guarantee is given for colour variance.